Monday, January 31, 2011

Point + Shoot

It's been non-stop raining since Saturday and the rain continues to pour today.  I'm feeling a little stir crazy, as I'm sure BuBba is too but I just can't face dragging myself out in this weather.

Luckily, Daddy BuBbles dragged me out on Saturday night for our first date night since hitting Singapore shores.  The babysitter was arranged (but cost an absolute bloody fortune) and off we tottered for dinner and drinks at 1-Altitude.  The weather hampered our plans for drinks and dinner with a view but it was an absolute pleasure to be out sans child.  (That sounds so wrong but I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.) 

We followed up with some after-dinner drinks at New Asia Bar on level 71 of the Swissotel.  Again there were no views to be had so instead we played silly buggers under the changing lights.  

Hey, you have to make your own fun, right?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Win a $100 ShopBop Gift Card!

Did I get your attention?

Then get yourself over to Table Tonic quick smart and leave a comment for your chance to win a voucher for $100 worth of goodies from ShopBop.

And what would I spend the $100 on if I were lucky enough to win.  Well I love love LOVE the whole House of Harlow 1960 range by Nicole Richie so I think I might just have to put the gift card towards the purchase of this little beauty to match my enameled tribal wrap ring...

Enameled tribal wrap cuff

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day!

Aussie music was playing, the sausages were sizzling and the VB was on tap. 

This is how we celebrated Australia Day - Singapore style - last Sunday.

(Pseudo) Aunty

At 3.30am this morning I received a text from my bestie.  A call or text at this time is usually something to become alarmed at but not this time.  I've been hanging out for this message.  

"Sorry to wake you" she said, "but my waters have broken!"

A mere 8 hours later, my gorgeous best friend gave birth... twins!!!!

I am so so super dooper chuffed that I am almost lost for words.  We've been through thick and thin together, good times and bad and I'm just incredibly happy that she has been blessed with a wonderful husband and now a gorgeous baby girl and baby boy.

Only three weeks to go until I get to meet her precious bundles in person.

Let the countdown begin!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Drool

Have you ever heard of the store called Daiso?  Chances are no unless you've recently been to Singapore or Japan.  Well let me tell you about the bonanza that is Daiso.

Daiso is a Japanese store that is full of all sorts of various delights at the bargain basement price of $2.  That's right.  Everything, no really, EVERYTHING is $2!

You can find things for the garden, cosmetics, food & drink, wrapping paper, stationary, detergents, chopsticks, dinner plates, kitchen utensils, car items etc, etc.  Phew!  The list goes on and on.  They even have a Hello Kitty section if you're in to that.

Initially I had a little look see with BuBba in tow but found this was not the ideal shopping experience.  The aisles are not particularly wide so totally not conducive for shopping with a pram and little hands were quick to snatch whatever they could from the shelves given the chance.

Cue Take Two.  I went on a solo mission and got there shortly after opening time so as to avoid the crowds.  Brilliant!  I got to casually walk up and down all the aisles (and there's lots of them) and pick and choose what I wanted without having to worry about keeping BuBba occupied or worry about squeezing my way around other shoppers.

The shopping basket quickly became heavy on my arm and almost full to over-flowing.  The ladies at the registers tallied the items and off I tottered home. 

Check out my loot.

$40 meant 20 items and a happy BuBbles.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Drool

Wowsers, it's been a while since I've done a Friday Drool post.

Today I just had to share my latest purchase with you all.  Jen at Made By Girl alerted me to this baby and as soon as I saw it, I knew that I had to have it.  

The gorgeous Michael Kors wallet case for iPhone in python.  Drool!

My old iPhone case was a bit ratty looking and I actually removed it last week so the timing is perfect.  Daddy BuBbles was also due to go on a work trip to San Francisco at the end of the month so I quickly shot off an email to him with the link and one word - "WANT!".  Yes!  He could pick it up while he was over in the US.  Just a day after I sent the email his work trip was cancelled.  Bummer.

Hmmm, what to do, what to do.  Bingo!  They're available in Australia too and the parentals are coming to visit us in a few weeks.

Wahoo!  You shall be mine, my pretty.

It also comes in black patent (I'm a sucker for patent) which I love too.  

Maybe I could get both...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Talk of the Town

It's definitely the celebrity news on the tip of everyone's tongues today but that's because it's just so HUGE!

There's another gorgeous Beckham on the way and apparently Victoria is hoping for a little pink bundle this time. 

image via here

I can't wait to check out Victoria's maternity style.  

Maybe Faux Fuchsia can get some fashion tips before mini FF comes along because I know she's been struggling with the horrid maternity clothes out there :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year etc etc...

Yes, I admit it... I'm a very slack blogger of late.  I've heard of losing your blogging mojo before and poo-poo'ed the idea but here I am in a bit of a funk.  There's been a lot going on in BuBble's land and that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :)

Let's go through the last couple of weeks in bullet points.

* Christmas Eve

I want chilli crab now!  Our new Christmas Eve tradition

*  Merry Christmas!

BuBba freaked out at seeing Santa

*  Happy New Year

The view from our condo
Sitting on our balcony (literally) to see in the New Year
Welcome 2011!

And finally

*  Happy Blogiversary to me!!!

One year ago (yesterday), I started this humble blog as one of my new year resolutions.  The resolution stated that I would continue it for "at least" a year, and although I've petered out a little with the blog posts in the last month or so, I made it so HIGH FIVE to me!

My other resolution was to improve my photography skills.  I must admit that I probably didn't succeed with this one.  I'm still a noob and use the auto function far too often but just yesterday I unpacked my manual and put it beside my bed for a little reading prior to nodding off for the night.  Maybe I'll just carry the resolution over to this year.

For this year, I resolve to not put so much pressure on myself to post blogs frequently.  I'll still be here and will still be posting random tidbits, fave music clips and celebrity break ups.  But just not every day.  And the mojo will return.  I'm sure of that.

2011 is shaping up to be a very exciting year and I hope you stick with me for the journey!