Doh, this was one of my favourite photos I took during March and I forgot all about it because it was taken at the beginning of our holiday at Changi Airport on our way back home to Brisbane. Love it!
I know, I know, I'm a terribly slack blogger but in all fairness I was travelling for the majority of March and it's taken me a couple of weeks to get back in to the groove here at home.
So instead of doing individual posts catching up on the March Photo A Day challenge, I tried to put together a collage of the remaining days. As you'll see, I'm not so adept at the collage thingy because there's a photo repeated but I have nfi how to get rid of the additional pic so it stays lol.
And I can now say that I am a fully fledged Instagram addict so if you'd like to follow me, just do a lil search for @champagne_bubbles