Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Drool

Weeeeeeeeee...  Mummy gets to go out solo again tonight - second time in one week - holy schmoly!!!!  Ahhhh, the freedom...

Tonight's festivities involve meeting up with some visiting friends from Brisbane and eating until we're full as googs.  And guess what's on the menu???

INDIAN!!!!  /drool

My favourite Indian restaurant, that makes THE ABSOLUTE BEST masala dosai and butter chicken is Malabar at Crows Nest.  

In the words of Faux Fuchsia, "run, don't walk!"


  1. Oh my goodness! Drool indeed! Yummmmo.

    And hey, thanks for the linky love.=)

  2. Hi, I'm here from Brenda's Friday follow. I'm a fellow Indian food lover, though I don't get to indulge often enough. I hope you had a nice evneing out with your friends. Please feel free to drop by and say hi.

  3. Thanks for stopping by ladies and I'll be sure to stop by both of you too!


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